JDL | Com Ivanova, Capt DiAgessi, Cmdr Dahe'el, Cmdr Satie | "Welcome Wagon"
Posted on Fri Dec 22nd, 2017 @ 8:10pm by Commodore Rochelle Ivanova & Captain Aine DiAgessi & Captain Jacob Satie
Mission: The Round Table
At once, Aine was in motion and disappearing from Operations before she could even give herself a second to think about her fear of the lifts she'd have to take in order to find... "DiAgessi to Satie. What's your twenty?" Her fingers glanced off her combadge as she stood and tapped her foot, staring at the light array at the top of the car. If she had to guess, it was the arboretum, getting ready for the masquerade or gawking at the sea. Time was of the essence. Operations was in a flurry preparing for the imminent arrival of the injured ship returning from the Expanse.
Jake had just taken the last lantern from Doctor Rush and hung it up when his commbadge chirped, "DiAgessi to Satie. What's your twenty?" Quickly, he climbed down the ladder tapping his badge as he hit the last step. There was an odd urgency in her voice that made him hustle. "This is Satie, I'm in the Arboretum, just finished the decorating. What's going on, Captain?" As Jake waited for an answer he looked around. If he hadn't known where he was, the plaza could be mistaken for any number of Italian squares decked out for a festa. Streamers hung on a thin wires stretching from the sides of the plaza to the center area above the fountain. Lights hung from streamer wrapped poles and the arbors were awash with warm candle glow.
"Vindicator is in bound alongside Endeavor. ETA is 15." Aine replied as the lift took off towards the pylon the massive ship would be pulling into. All thoughts of partying and dancing were quickly replaced with the miasma of emotions that came along with the vessel, once thought lost, returning. It was a miracle and one that wouldn't be taken lightly. Now there was reason to celebrate, but it would take a bit to adjust. Rightfully so.
"Acknowledged." Jake said as he made his quick apology to Commander Rush and took off toward the docking arm where the Vindicator was assigned a birth. He was closer than the Captain and was there waiting when she arrived. They stood in the docking control room watching the pride of the quadrant approach the station via a view screen. Soon the massive ship would enter the docking arm and they would be able to see her for them selves through the windows lining the control room. Jake could feel the excitement in the room and wondered at it. "I can't wait to read the reports." Jake commented to Captain Diagessi as she stood next to him looking at the view screen.
The moment the Vindicator's hulking mass drifted to a halt within her berthing, Rochelle felt the weight of the entire universe both lift and settle onto her shoulders. Lift in so far that she knew her crew was safe and sound at one of the most secure ports of call in any sector. Settle in so far that she knew there was so very much to be done and said and accomplished within the next few days. While her crew would rest, she'd be working to secure their future in more ways than one. A brief tug on her uniform, and a glance towards Almar, sent her on her way from the bridge down towards the umbilical that would offer them access to the station. There wouldn't be a single word uttered during that entire trip - silence was far more comforting at that point than anything that could be said between her and her first officer and never was there a moment during that time that she felt he didn't understand. For them, communication wasn't always verbal. They simply understood one another. For that, she was eternally lucky and forever grateful.
An Ensign posted as security snapped them a salute as they passed, and she was vaguely aware of the sound of a boatswain piping aboard a member of Starfleet's illustrious admiralty. Her. Jorgun's turn would come later when he chose to come aboard, but this meeting was meant to be conducted between ship and station commands and, as promised, the fanfare was minimal. "Captain DiAgessi," She greeted the fresh faced woman in front of her, "Last I saw you, I was making you a Lieutenant Commander and you were one of the finest security officers I've had the pleasure of working with..." A glance towards Satie came next, "What did you do to be punished like this?" Rochelle tried to keep humor from her voice as she addressed her cousin and her cousin's XO, though the joke was blatantly obvious.
"He was a successful lawyer type. They decided to punish him by throwing him at the most lawless crowd in the universe." Aine chuckled, "though sometimes I wonder just who was punished." She mused, considering the man with a bemused little smile. The dark smudge of what looked like dirt brandished just above his brow left him more endearing than she'd have liked to admit, and for the moment the Commodore seemed not to care about appearances. After all, the redhead seemed weary. "Welcome home, Commodore." The brunette smiled warmly, hoping that hearing those words would help to ease some of the burden she knew her cousin bore. Commanding a starship was so much more taxing than commanding a station. Aine would be the first to admit it. Her mother would likely raise as a second.
"Who says its punishment?" Jake chuckled, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Commodore, Commander, welcome home indeed." His smiled failed to fade as he offered the Cardassian standing beside her a friendly nod of greeting, "Seems you've made it just in time for our holiday party. Your crew could probably use a chance to unwind and if it's alright with Captain DiAgessi, I'd like to invite you all to attend." He paused looking up at Aine.
In return she nodded, almost child-like, her consent, "Please do. I know you said no craziness, Commodore, but the Vindicator's homecoming after being gone all these months... It's something to celebrate."
Rochelle blinked, her own smile beginning to fade, "No... We'll attend, for sure..." She quickly replied, smoothing over the wrinkle her reaction may have caused, "Did you say months? We were gone for a week and a couple days, Captain, that's hardly months." Her eyes flicked up towards Almar, trying to read his thoughts.
"No, she's correct. The Vindicator was missing for four months and a few days, if we're steadily keeping track." The look on the Commodore's face begged for Jake to be gentle, and he was, but the facts needed to be laid out for them to understand and accept for what and how they were. His brows creased and furrowed in earnest concern as he regarded the Vindicator's command team, "Are you saying you experienced something different?"
The redhead offered the briefest of nods, "It'll be in our reports."
"That it will." Almar's voice finally rumbled and he took half a step sideways in Rochelle's direction. Four months was a lot longer than the time they'd experienced, but he knew that it was not only highly possible, it was highly likely. The anomaly they'd experienced swung time like a yoyo, toying hard with any and everything it ensnared. Now wasn't the time to get into the details of it, though. Now was the time to try and breathe and prepare for the onslaught of meetings with Starfleet brass that they both knew would come. "The time for discussing it will come, but right now we need to let the crew stretch their legs and get everyone off the ship so she can use one of your yards for repairs." He nodded solemnly, "Priorities."
"Indeed." Aine replied, clasping her hands together in perfect understanding. "I'll see to it that everyone is assigned a space. If you follow us, we'll chaperone you both to your suites. I'll send someone to fetch Captain Neyes and your son, Commodore."
"Fetching Captain Neyes won't be necessary. He'll be on the first transport to Sol." At first Rochelle didn't recognize her own voice. It was terse, dark, flat. She couldn't hear an ounce of its usual animation, and she cleared her throat as they walked along, her eyes anywhere but on one of the people accompanying her.
Jake shot a look in Aine's direction, puzzled, but not at all ignorant of the emotions held within Ivanova's strained response. "I'm... Sorry to hear that."
"As am I." Now wasn't the time to pry. Rochelle was family, but their interaction at the moment remained steeped solely in professionalism. Something had happened. Something horrible. Landon hadn't been on the list of the dead, only one name had appeared there. Yes. Injured. But his injuries hadn't left anything in need of his departure to Sol. This was something far more tragic. A look over her shoulder showed a grim faced woman focused on the passing deck plates. A look to Satie showed that same level of concern that she herself harbored. "Javaan will be tended to shortly, if Admiral Red hasn't already made arrangements for him." She nodded, deciding to leave it at that.
The rest of the trip was made in silence and punctuated only by the briefest, most fleeting press of Almar's fingers against Rochelle's back - promising that he was indeed still there and that she'd have a shoulder when she finally decided she needed one.
Commodore Rochelle Ivanova
Commanding Officer
Captain Aine DiAgessi
Commanding Officer
Commander Almar Dahe'el
Executive Officer
Commander Jacob Satie
Executive Officer