242006.07 LtJG Chris Resnik | Back in the Saddle
Posted on Sun Jun 7th, 2020 @ 6:58pm by Lieutenant JG Christine Resnik
Dust Stirring
Location: Earth, Cold Station Theta
Timeline: Present Day
Tags: Resnik, medical
=/\= Several weeks ago, Starfleet Academy =/\=
A blue ring of acknowledgment with a happy chirp rang from a holographic target as the lights in the dim space came on. Chris smirked, though her accomplishment was hardly that at all. The officer in the virtual range with her shook his head and had a slight roll to his eyes as he notated her record on the PADD he held. "Well, Resnik, that was your last chance, but you squeezed through." The tall, burly commander added with a gruff tone, "Just barely, though."
With a shrug, she pulled her hair out of the bun it had been pinned up in and shook it out. "I'll take barely over a fail. I've never been good with a phaser, never will be. Starfleet can either accept it or not." Chris' tone was indifferent, but she would have been devastated if she hadn't passed.
For the last couple of months, she had been at Starfleet academy again, going through various updated training courses and retesting things she had passed years ago to regain her commission. Since it had been so long since she wore the uniform, all this red tape had been deemed necessary.
She would never be a tactical or security officer, which was apparent by her lack of shooting skills. Resnik would never stray from the blue uniform and was rarely seen outside of a medical bay.
"Now what? How long until I can ship out of here?" She asked, smiling at Commander Gordan, knowing he wouldn't miss her at all, considering all the frustration and aggravation she caused him as he tried to get her to pass basic shooting skills.
"Well, Resnik, this will be submitted today. It should be just a couple of days as they decide your rate and find an open position. It looks like you've requested a starbase assignment?"
She nodded, "That or a colony somewhere. I like the large facilities, a lot of surgical time." Chris haltered the phaser and held up her hands with a smirk, wiggling her long fingers, "Have to keep these in tip-top shape."
Gordan called for the exit arch and shook his head, saying, "Yeah, and I still don't understand how you can be so good with your hands when you can barely shoot any targets. It's been fun, but I can't say I'll miss all the extra hours I spent dragging you through this."
"You'll miss me, Gordan. You'd have been bored with all the free time if I hadn't come through your course." She chuckled and gave him a wave, ready to skip off and pack her temporary quarters.
He barked, rather gruffly, "Commander Gordan! You better start remembering all the protocol crap you doctors like to 'forget.'"
Chris was already several feet down the corridor and never turned to face him, just raising a hand in a wave, "Yeah yeah. I'll remember when I have some pips on again."
=/\= Present Day =/\=
An artificial computer voice announced over the ship comms, "Attention all passengers, we will be docking with Starbase Eleven Seventy. If you are disembarking, please make your way to your assigned docking port."
Chris already had a bag on her shoulder, PADD in hand, ready to get off the transport ship that had been her torture chamber for the last several, boring weeks of travel.
To say she was more than ready to exit the vessel would have been a significant understatement. Having an abundance of free time during the voyage, she had familiarized herself with 'Cold Station Theta.' Resnik was looking forward to being on a reasonably new Starbase, getting back into Starfleet already felt right in a way she couldn't explain.
Chris had spent time with her family while back on Earth. Though she liked seeing her brother's, her parents, and pack of nieces and nephews, it didn't feel like her family anymore. Resnik had been gone so long, off exploring the galaxy, starting new hospitals on far and distant worlds, she felt like an outsider anymore in a place that used to be a comfort. Resnik loved them all, but Starfleet felt more like home, more familiar and more predictable. At home, she felt like an art piece, stared at, questioned, examined, and out of place at times.
She rubbed the pip and a half on her collar, never caring what weight was there, never wanting to more than a doctor. The rank she wore is what Starfleet had open for her, and she took it without hesitation.
Resnik was excited, filled with nervous energy she hadn't experienced in years. A crocked smile on her face as she was scanned off the transport vessel and her PADD updated with new orders, a quarter's assignment, and an appointment to check in with her supervisor and the station commander.
LtJG Chris Resnik
Cold Station Theta