Lieutenant Commander Rook Bartly
Name Rook Bartly
Position Flight Control Officer
Rank Lieutenant Commander
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Augmented Human | |
Age | 23 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5' 8" | |
Weight | 165 | |
Hair Color | Blond | |
Eye Color | Blue | |
Physical Description | Rook Bartly looks like your average human female. She has long blond hair which comes down to her mid back. She prefers to keep her hair long and down to hide the small data port located on the back side at the base of her neck. Rook also has several scars on her body on her back, her leg, and stomach from knife wounds, disruptors burns and other physical altercations. Most notably a large round burn scar on the right side of her chest nearly a 6 inch diameter around from a close range disruptor blast. |
Spouse | None | |
Children | None | |
Father | Ron Bartly, Deceased | |
Mother | Geena Bartly, Deceased | |
Brother(s) | None | |
Sister(s) | Lilly Bartly | |
Other Family | None |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Rook is known to be an aggressive hot head and prefers to take the direct route toward anything. Loves her freedom and earning credits. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strength: Good with computers and programing (due to the data port) Weakness: Hot Tempered. Does not like to be pushed. Quick to lash out. |
Ambitions | Rook Bartly has several goals. 1) Track down and bring the man that murdered her parents to justice. 2) Discovering what happened to her after she was reported dead. 3) Earning enough credits for her to afford her own cargo ship |
Hobbies & Interests | Her hobbies include collecting old weapons, weapons training, ancient earth vehicles. She loves piloting and flying ships. |
Personal History | Born: Star Date 238011.08. Location: Earth, San Francisco. === Accident Report: Private Shuttle Crash === Star Date: 238709.28 Report Number: 48833D582EG442 Pluto Shipyard's Type 37 Civilian Shuttle lost primary engine power resulting in full system failure. The shuttle spun out of control crashing into the San Francisco bay. Both occupants, Ron Bartly and Geene Bartly were unable to escape the shuttle and drowned. They were survived by their daughters, Lilly Bartly (Age 2) and Rook Bartly (Age 6) who were at a friends home. Due to no other living relatives, both children placed in foster care. The loss of primary engine power due to a faulty power coupling. Preliminary investigation uncovered circumstantial evidence that the power coupling was tampered with and linked Howard Cavender to the tampering. Further investigation proved that the power coupling failed due to faulty manufacturing. === End of Report === Upon turning 15, Rook Bartly disapeared from the orphange she was living in. She was discovered on board a Firangi transport serving as the ship's pilot. Over the next few years Rook Bartly was spotted still on board that ship. In a medical report dated Star Date 239603.31, Rook Bartly had a dataport implanted on the back side of her neck. Several security reports following this medical report have Rook Bartly accessing several different station's computers leading to a discrepancy in cargo and crew manifests. At age 17, Rook Bartly departed from the Firangi ship and joined Star Fleet. For details pertaining to her time in Star Fleet please refer to Star Fleet Service Record. On Star Date: 240210.07 Rook Bartly acquired the Mars Gallant's prototype Rapier Star Fighter. While stationed on the USS Warrior, Rook's Rapier Star Fighter was stored at Star Base 400: Versailles. After her death, the fighter was discovered missing from her docking bay. She disappeared off the Klingon ship, KDF Qinwih. No traces were left of foul play or signs of suicide. Her combat fighter is still in storage along with most of her belongings. The Klingon Empire and Star Fleet left the case open and investigators believed that Howard Cavender based on circumstantial evidence. The investigation was inconclusive. Rook reappeared on the planet Ta'kara in the beta quadrant and accused Howard Cavender of kidnapping her. An investigation into her report found no evidence linking Howard Cavender to her disappearance. //Mars Gallant: Prototype Rapier Star Fighter// Mission Design: Space Superiority Crusing Speed: Warp 2.5 Max Speed: Warp 5 Overview: Designed for space superiority, the Rapier Star Fighter was built to combat cruiser class vessels. Nearly all of the duel antimatter power-plants output are directed to weapons allowing it to be able to overpower any other ship in it's class. Only five Rapier Star Fighters were produced. Three were lost due to the dual antimatter reactors overloading and destroying the vessels during testing. One is in the Mars Gallant Museum. Mars Gallant, primarily a weapons manufacturing company specializing in hand held small arms, started the development of the Rapier Star Fighter after it developed a new series of starship weapons designed for use on cruiser class vessels. Due to a high-demand of combat vessels on the Federation out rim, Mars Gallant built the Rapier Star Fighter around the new cruiser based weapons it had developed. Nealy all the Rapier's frame was literately physically designed and built around the weapon systems. The development of the Rapier Star Fighter was halted on Star Date 240107.15 due to systemic power plant issues akin to the development of the Defiant Class Escort vessel produced from the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. The weapon systems during testing nearly destroyed the prototypes when firing due to massive jarring. ![]() |
Service Record | //Training Record// Graduation from Star Fleet Marines Graduation from Star Fleet Special Forces - 100% Graduation from Sim Guide E-Mail - Completed Graduation from Sim Guide IRC - Completed Graduation from Star Fleet Engineering Academy - 100% Graduation from Star Fleet Security Academy - 80% Graduation from Star Fleet Helm Academy Graduation from Star Fleet Combat Pilot - 100% Graduation from Star Fleet Operations - 100% Graduation from Star Fleet Tactical - 80% //Promotion Records// 239805.** - Cadet 239806.** - Ensign 239807.** - Lt Jg 239905.** - Entered Star Fleet - Klingon Officer Exchange Program 240003.** to 240105.** - Loa (Lt) 240201.18 - La'hom (Lt Commander) 240305.** - Departed Star Fleet - Klingon Officer Exchange Program 240505.** Lt Commander 240410.** Commander //Assignment History// USS Vortex, NCC 2709-C - Engineering officer - Chief of Engineering USS Vortex NX 2709-D - Chief of Security KDF Qinwih Star Base 400 Versailles - Strategic Operations Officer - 109th Detachment Commander USS Warrior NCC 71612-A - Chief Operations Officer //Personnel Record Overview// Rook Bartly Joined Star Fleet at age 18 and graduated the engineering course to join the crew of the USS Vortex. After the death of the Chief of Engineering, Ensign Bartly was assigned as the new Chief of Engineering. After the destruction of the USS Vortex C, The surviving crew was assigned to the newly built experimental vessel, The USS Vortex NX 2709-D which was developed to deal with a new raising BORG threat. While stationed on the USS Vortex D, she was promoted to Lt JG and worked as the Chief of Security. After the lose of the USS Vortex D in battle, Lt Jg Bartly was then stationed on the newly built Star Base 400, Versailles as the Strategic Operations Officer. It was during her time at Star Base Versailles, Lt jg Bartly worked to co-author Star Fleet Academy's basic Fighter Pilot course and because one of the two instructors for said course. Rook then took part in a Star Fleet/Klingon Officer exchange program and worked on Star Base 400 with the Klingon rank of SoghHom in the 109th Detachment. When the Klingon Chancellor himself came to Star Base Versailles to relieve the current Detachment Commander, Ta'kot, Rook was promoted to La'Hom on Star Date 240201.27 and was tasked to the new Detachment Commander for the 109th Detachment. Due to Rook Bartly's hot-temper, she settled in quickly and fit in well and earn the respect of the Klingons under her commander. While serving with the Empire, she garnered the rank of La' which is the equivalent of Lt Commander. Upon completing her assignment to the Officer Exchange Program, Lt Commander Bartly was transferred to the USS Warrior as the Chief Operations Officer. During her time stationed on board the USS Warrior, She was promoted to the rank of Commander on Star Date 240505.09. //Reprimands// - Reprimand - USS Vortex NCC 2709-C - Striking an Admiral - Three Weeks in Brig - Reprimand - USS Vortex NCC 2709-C - Striking a Captian - Two Weeks in Brig - Reprimand - USS Vortex NCC 2709-C - Striking an Admiral - Two Weeks in Brig - Reprimand - USS Vortex NCC 2709-D - Resisting Arrest - Three days in Brig - Reprimand - USS Vortex NCC 2709-D - Domestic Dispute - Two Days in Brig - Reprimand - USS Vortex NCC 2709-D - Excessive Force - Three Days in Brig - Reprimand - Star Base 400 Versailles - Excessive Force - Two Days in Brig - Reprimand - Star Base 400 Versailles - Excessive Force - Five Days in Brig - Reprimand - Star Base 400 Versailles - Excessive Force - One Week in Brig - Reprimand - USS Warrior NCC 71612-A - Excessive Force - Two Days in Brig - Reprimand - USS Warrior NCC 71612-A - Hacking Holodeck - One day in Brig - Reprimand - USS Warrior NCC 71612-A - Reprogramming Ship's Replicators to produce Alcohol. - Star Date: 240510.01 Pronounced Dead by USS Warrior Chief Medical Officer Lt Commander Draconis. - Cause of death: Organ Failure due to a disruptor blast to chest. Death was witnessed by ship USS Warrior Commanding Officer, Commodore Jolias Enor. |