
The goals we have here on Cold Station Theta (CST) are simple:

1) For everyone to have fun;
2) To encourage Cold Station Theta to be the best quality SIMulation that it can possibly be.

What is expected of you as a crewmember?

1) Senior officers are required to write two (2) (junior officers one (1) ) *quality* duty log per two week period with a minimum of 250 words. We do not distinguish between Duty and Personal logs, however, your logs should ideally be a mix of both.
-- 1A) Joint Logs should be a minimum for 500 words.
-- 1B) Senior Officer participation in our weekly IRC simulation removes the need for one log per period.

2) All logs to be considered for a given period must be submitted by Midnight, Saturday evening, PST, to count in the SIM Report for that period. If you are unable to log, you must send a notice to the CST Command team. Failure to log or send in an official excuse for three weeks may result in removal from the SIM.

3) Promotions and awards generally happen at the end of mission plots. This means that in all likelihood, you will not be promoted on minimum times. This is NOT a reflection on your ability to role play on CST, we merely feel it is unrealistic to promote people in the middle of plots.

4) For promotion to Ensign, completion of the Basic SimGuide Course offered by the Academy is required. For promotion to LtJg (or beyond), you must have a completed character biography and of course, a continual good record of participation.

5) Always keep in mind the 10 Basic Rules for SIMming, found in the UCIP Basic SIMGuide which can be accessed from the UCIP LCARS.

UCIP Member Code of Conduct

Members of CST must also abide by the code of conduct as set out by UCIP of which we are a member.

You can find the code of conduct on the UCIP website here.

6.) Members who choose to ignore our posting criteria minimums or post posts with explicit vulgar content (above rated-R) will be removed immediately, and by continuing, you agree to this.

In addition, in compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA), we do not accept players under the age of 17. Any players found to be under the age of 17 will be immediately removed without question.

This sim is Rated-R (formerly NC-17). By agreeing to these terms, you are also saying that you are above the age of 17.