JDL | Captain DiAgessi (CO) & Commander Satie (XO) | "When it Rains it Pours"
Posted on Sat Oct 21st, 2017 @ 2:47am by Fleet Admiral Blyx Red & Captain Aine DiAgessi & Captain Jacob Satie
The Round Table
Location: Arboretum | Cold Station Theta
System tests were rarely fun, however, this one had possibilities. The Botanists had been working with Fleet Admiral Red over the past few weeks to create a utopian and unspoiled Arboretum near the center of the station. Today there were going to be testing the environmental controls and had decided to present the Arboretum as a whole to the Admiral and the station command team. Jake had not made time to visit the facility before and the prospect of seeing the Admiral's workmanship and some wide open spaces excited him. He had made his rounds and then stopped by the Commanding Officers Ready Room to accompany Captain DiAgessi only to find she had left with her mother a half hour before. Jake was in the Lift solo and after his trip with the Captain yesterday, was hypersensitive to every squeak, rattle, and groan the thing made. When the doors opened, Jake was already impressed.
The Arboretum occupied thirty full decks from deck five-hundred to five twenty-nine. The space had followed the Starfleet standard design with a central shaft dropping down the middle, ten deck high Transparent Aluminum bulkheads in a lactate of supports giving spectacular views of space and the Expanse as the station rotated. The ceiling rose to form a dome where artificial light blazed beneath a holographic screen that showed vivid blue skies with wispy clouds floating by. The lifts emptied at deck five twenty-four. the lowest of five platforms designed to house outdoor recreation areas above the Arboretum, onto a rusticity attired veranda of stone and cedar posts surrounded by picnic areas and other small shade producing structures, and offering an unobstructed view down a five deck slope to a man made ring of water that disappeared into the infinity of space. From his vantage point, Jake could see tiny white caps as the water surged ashore on a beach of white sand. As Jake stepped off of the veranda, he turned to see no sign of the center column that housed the lifts and supported the four other large, circular, garden and sport field platforms that he knew spiraled up to just below the domed ceiling. They were holographically concealed from the lower level of the Arboretum, in a stroke of genius that offered unspoiled views across more than a half mile diameter.
To his left Jake could see a small lake in the distance. Small white and pink masses moved at the waters edge and as he studied them one group took to flight. Holographic or real? Jake wondered as he watched. Just then a chorus of voices reached his hearing and her turned to see the Fleet Admiral and her daughter walking up the hill to his right. He smiled and made his way through the thick carpet of grass toward them. He addressed the Admiral first as they entered talking distance, "Admiral Red, It's good to see you again, Ma'am. Captain, this place is truly remarkable." He said as he gave her a small smile.
Arm in arm the mother and daughter duo enjoyed the languid stroll along a rolling swell of prairie grass that the Admiral had carefully cultivated. It was a blend of some of the best from the plains of North America and mixed with the savannas of Africa. Each blade was delicate, catching the delight of a soft, easy breeze that would help transfer seed pods and keep the cycle of life renewing without much outside aid. It had been a perfect trip along some of the easier terrain of the Arboretum, leaving the more rugged and hard territories for a later date and time. The garden section as a whole was more the speed for young lovers and those looking for a place to host introspection, not where the Admiral was inclined to cruise with her daughter who's eye for adventure never seemed to close. "Commander Satie, it's been a minute." The Admiral greeted him with a small nod, "Only taken me what... Three years? This place was a shop of horrors when I first arrived." And it had been. Untamed with plants that had taken over and run wiled without the proper support, birds that had perished and fish... The smell would haunt her forever.
Aine couldn't help but beam proudly, thoroughly enjoying her mother's accomplishments. It had been a fantastic morning spent traversing and doing what they could to spot and identify a good majority of the species that had been brought in for sake of safety. Some from Earth, many from planets no longer in existence, their natural habitats wiped clean by war or disaster. Here they lived without fear of exploitation. "She has the best green thumb in the quadrant." She grinned, "Want a bit of a tour?"
"Do you really have to ask? This place feels like being on a planet. Admiral, I think I've found my new favorite spot. You have done a truly remarkable thing here. Oh! Do we have time for a tour? I understand we are to have a show from "Mother Nature" of all she can do with weather." Jake had made the quote sign with his hands as he said Mother Nature to emphasize his jest at what the station's botanist, horticulturalists, and climatologists had put together for the ecological success of the Arboretum.
"I believe you two have time for a quick walk about before that test of the systems is planned. I, on the other hand, will need to bow out. I have an appointment to keep." Blyx smiled and ducked her head by way of offering her apologies, something to which Aine only offered a knowing smile and pat to her mother's shoulder that showed she more than understood.
"You go do that. I'll take the Commander for a brief tour." Making him wait seemed cruel, especially with the way his eyes lit up at the offer of a tour. There were hours, really, that were left unmarked and the idea of nothing to do left her almost perplexed. Sure.. Bubble baths... Nap time... Something self-indulgent... But wandering around the arboretum in hopes of beating out a rain shower? Much better.
Blyx nodded gently, "Marvelous. Well then... If you'll excuse me, I'll leave you two to your fun."
"Ma'am" Jake nodded as the Admiral excused herself and headed back toward the veranda. He then turned to the Captain, "So where are we going to start? I noted a little lake over in that direction. There were birds on the shore that looked like flamingos." Jake felt like a kid at the zoo, but here the animals were largely free and unbothered by the presence of man. "Your mother collected these animals?" Jake asked as he moved to the Captain's side. "Are there fish out in that little sea? Is it freshwater or salt?" He had a million questions running through his mind and wanted answers to them all right now. When he had left the comfort of Earth for his life across the galaxy, he didn't imagine that such a place as this was possible. His outdoors-man spirit, lain dormant for so long, had suddenly reawakened. Jake paused in his questioning and took a deep breath of the fresh natural air. There were none of the flavorings that polluted the recycled air of the station. No smells of lubricant or stale body odor. This was paradise. As they walked Jake had a thought and decided to voice it with Captain DiAgessi. "Ma'am, many of the officers and crew have been working non-stop for weeks. Some longer with short staffing. What would you say to a little party. I think we have the perfect venue right here?" This time of year is Halloween on Earth. Maybe we could have a little masquerade ball or something?" Jake shrugged, walking beside her.
It had been several moments of answering one question at a time; about the birds. The creatures as a whole. The deer. The nature of their lives and how many were gone, or close to it, outside of the station. How they'd become a bit of an ark, working to save species from disappearing at what many considered an alarming rate. It wasn't until he mentioned Halloween and parties, that Aine took stock in the time of year. Back home the leaves would be falling, not unlike they were in the more arboreal regions of the arboretum, the yellow of aspens and reds of maples visible over the rise of the hill behind them. Pumpkins were being carved, the days were getting shorter. Cinnamon would fill the nights along with the scent of fallen leaves being returned to the earth. She paused in her stride, lost in the memory, and found herself nodding. "Halloween... Masquerade ball... Yeah. I think that's a good idea." Her eyes reopened and she gestured towards a veranda off on the other side of the lake, "The refined gardens are on the other side. Roses, Irises, Allium, Wisteria... There's quite a few flower species cultivated and plenty of space. Plenty have been saying it could play host to a large wedding, why not a party?"
Jake gave her a smile. "I'll start making arrangements, unless you want to handle it?" He looked out over the miniature lake who's shallows were teeming with long legged water birds. "Let's go have a look at our venue, if we still have time?" Jake looked up to blue cloudless skies and almost though he was planet side somewhere for just a second.
"It's something we can do together," She nodded gently and began to lead the way to the gardens. "I think we still have time." Why wouldn't they? The skies were still cloudless and it wasn't as if they had a sprinkler system. Convection would still need to occur and, for the moment, there was none to be seen. The first hint that they were nearing their mark was the brilliant scent of honeysuckle sweetening the air. The call of birds was a bit brighter here, and they flit to and from each bush with colorful glee. Hummingbirds were especially apparent, harvesting sweet nectar from any number of plants as they went along, "The main veranda can handle quite a crowd, it's just this way," Aine announced, leading him under an arbor of soft lilac hued wisteria hanging and blotting out the sky with its elegance, "We could consider hanging votives in here, little bit of ambient lighting?"
Looking around at the possibilities, Jake nodded. "Even use holotransmitters to produce a few ghosts. My grandparents had a decoration like that when I was a kid. It gave me nightmares for a week that first Halloween they put it out in the yard. I could see its head just over the seal of my bedroom window. I swore the thing was out to get me." Jake laughed as he recounted the story from his youth. As they came upon the veranda, Jake noticed a large round three tiered fountain centrally located. "This reminds me of Venice, They have fountains very much like this one in the old upscale plazas. I think this will be a great place for the party. What are we going to call the party? Masquerade of the Red Death?" Jake quipped.
"Better than the fiery death of the turbolift." Aine quipped, cupping a rose in her hand as they idly examined the veranda and the fountains, "I can picture it now. Little Jake Satie terrified of a hologram... I guess I'd get pretty unnerved also." She shrugged, casting a bright smile over her shoulder, "The question is whether or not ghostly apparitions peeking over your window sill still give you the heebie jeebies." By then she'd found the quiet roost of the bottom tier of the fountain, crossing her legs as she watched the water trickle down. All that was missing was a few errant coins scattered at the bottom of the pool, dispersed by people that still believed in wishing on them.
"We can discuss it over diner this Friday, if you like? It's your turn to cook and my turn to pick the venue." Jake looked up toward where he knew the large saucer shaped decks were suspended above them on the central shaft where he had exited. Four were up there somewhere hidden by perfectly seamless holograms of steadily greying skies. "I think I know just the place. I'll let you know before Friday." Jake wanted to scout out the quadraphonic garden platform for himself before bringing the Commanding Officer there to dine. Just then a peal of thunder shook the air and Jake started. "Wow!" He exclaimed as he stood. "I think we had better find some shelter. Looks like the show is about to start. Do you think we can make it back to the upper veranda before it cuts loose?" A breeze had kicked up and Jake thought again about how real all this seemed.
"Um... Yeah, that sounds like a plan." She replied almost distractedly. The scent of rain caught her senses and hair on the back of her neck began to stand on end, the feeling beginning to arc along her arm. "If we don't , we may wind up hit by hologram lightning." She retorted, grabbing his arm and pushing him steadily towards the way out. "Or soaked... Soaked is probably more likely, right?" They wouldn't have lightning as a legit obstacle to over come in the arboretum of a station would they? A peel of thunder rolled in answer. Probably just a recording, but real enough to convince her to move a little faster. It was dark, windy, the humidity having risen as sharply as the pressure had dropped and she could see the leaves folding themselves into little cups. Everything was as it should be. Except for the fact that they were about to get caught... The snaking hiss of rain hitting leaves and the flash of what looked like lightning killed her thought before it could be finished. The next thing Aine knew, the two of them were completely caught in a deluge, running for cover. She couldn't help but laugh at the wonder and absurdity of it.
It took no more than a few seconds for the cool rain to soak down through the canopy of leaves and begin to plop in loud mocking drops on Jake's head and shoulders. He was running beside the Commanding Officer as she darted up the path, laughing like a school girl, toward the veranda where a small crowd was gathered for the trial of the new weather system. Jake was ready to vouch for the rain as seeming one hundred percent natural by they time they made it. He was one hundred percent wet with proof in case anyone wanted to doubt his word. Despite the water soaked uniform, Jake was all smiles having been infected with DiAgessi's joy at the downpour within a station. The torrent of rain blew over in minutes and the holographic sun began to shine through the cloud cover in brilliant rays of golden warmth. The birds, who had retreated to the safety of their nests began to chirp and sing as did the insects. The illusion was as real as real could be. "Who is responsible for this, Captain? Which one of those scientists do I need to give a hug in thanks for the experience of running for cover in a rain storm, on a space station?" Jake was grinning from ear to ear.
Doused and thoroughly wet to the bone, Aine felt more alive than she had in a long while. Getting caught in the rain was invigorating even if it did leave her cold and get uniform plastered uncomfortably to her body, sticking in the oddest and least lovely of places. "Admiral Red demanded it be done, she wanted a seamless environment. Most of the original team is gone, but the one that remains is probably going to blow your mind," She grinned, twisting her sodden hair up in a quick knot, "Commander Valeese, our Chief Medical Officer."
"Next time I see the good doctor, I'll have to thank her for this." Jake said as he pulled the wet, clingy uniform away from his chest. "I'm going to run by my quarters and change into something a little less like a wet suit and then head up to Operations. I have a ton of paper work to get through before tomorrow. I'll talk to you more about the party at dinner if that's okay? I woulnd't want to break the no work chat rule." Smiling, Jake finished as he headed toward the lift.
"Please do. I'm starting to think she feels we don't appreciate her." The Captain nodded emphatically, wringing out the end of her tunic. A quick stop at her quarters was going to be in order, for sure, as would warning that the deck plates between the arboretum and their individual destinations would be slippery at best, "Dinner and chit chat about the party, got it!" And with that she jogged off in her own direction.
Captain Aine DiAgessi
Commanding Officer
Cold Station Theta, SB-1170
Commander Jake Satie
Executive Officer
Cold Station Theta, SB-1170