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JL | LtJg Alessia Jasaiax & Lt. Evan Merlin | ...

Posted on Sun Apr 15th, 2018 @ 5:17pm by Commander Evan Merlin & Lieutenant JG Alessia Jasaiax

Mission: Lacuna
Location: Cold Station Theta
Timeline: SD 241804.15

The Lieutenant walked over the Promenade, looking at shops and people alike. In here little was affected by the recent explosions. Power had been rerouted, and the Promenade had been shaken up a bit along with the rest of the station. Some glassware had shattered, leading to complaints from shopkeepers and restaurants, but that was all. Only the turbo lifts seemed to be behaving erratically (or maybe more erratically than usual, depending on whom you asked). All in all it could have been worse, so much worse.

He was just debating with himself whether he had time to visit the jewelry store or not, when he saw a young woman step out of the nearly lift and looked around with a confused expression. It wasn't a familiar face, but she could well be one of the new arrivals. There had been a few due to arrive, and he had already met several.

"Greetings, Lieutenant," he said with a smile. "Can I help you?"

The young woman looked up at him. Blinking slightly, she stuttered to get her words out.

“Uhm, yes, hello Sir. I am looking for Ops, but I uh…. I think I may have gotten lost.” She looked around for a second. This station is huge, how am I supposed to find my way around here? The thought flew through her head. Looking back at the officer, she fumbled with her bag. “I’m sorry sir, I’ve never served on a station this big.”

The man smiled. "That's alright, Lieutenant. Few people have. Ops is on the first deck, all the way to the top, but I do admit the turbolifts are acting a bit glitchy the last few days. Or so I've been told, I must say I personally have had little trouble with them. Actually, I'm due in Ops myself in a bit, so I might as well head that way now. Would you care to accompany me?" he asked. As he talked, he began gathering his black curly hair together and wrapped a band around it, tying it together in the nape of his neck.

The woman nodded. “I wouldn’t mind, sir.” She managed a little smile. She followed the man to the turbo lift and entered. “I don’t suppose the station usually has this much holes in it, does it?” She commented, chuckling a little after. Indeed, the station had a lot of holes in it. She had noticed it when she arrived. Something must have happened, she figured that much. The station however, did feel comforting familiar. It had something similar to DS9, where she was born.

"No, it doesn't, not as a general rule." The man lifted one finger in a 'hold on a moment' gesture as he entered the turbolift after her. He placed one hand on one of the walls of the lift and said: "Now I know you're all upset, what with the bang and with Therin and all that. But this sweet lady is an Engineer herself… yes?" He glanced at the woman and continued: "And I'm sure she'll be nice to you if you're nice to her. So, behave, will you? Deck one." The doors closed behind them and the lift started to move, smoothly.

"Now, normally we'd go straight to Ops, but the doors have been damaged," the Lieutenant said. "And with the big hole you pointed out, repairs to the door have taken a backseat, so we have to take a roundabout route."

The woman had raised an eyebrow slightly at the sight of an officer… talking with the turbo lift. He seemed fairly eccentric to her. She had seen weirder, maybe, in her academy days, but this was unusual to say the least. “That’s fine, sir.” She started following the Lieutenant to another part of the station, while taking in the sight of it.

"So, deck one," the man said as they entered a corridor which looked, perhaps, slightly more luxurious than most. Different wall panelling, and the floor looked like it was carpetted, even though it was not. "Conference room over here, XO's office, CO's office, and through here – Central Ops. There's a smaller secundary Ops Centre near Engineering, but it's hardly ever used, so everyone just calls this one 'Ops'." Various people glanced up as the weirdo Lieutenant entered, with the young junior Lieutenant in tow. He gave a friendly wave, then pointed to the turbolift doors on the other end of the spacious area. They were twisted out of alignment and a gaping hole had been punched through one door. "So," he said. "Here we are."

How did those doors get so wrangled?

“So…” The woman began, moving back and forth from the heel to the front of her feet. “Who do I have to report too?” She asked.

The man grinned. "That'd be either the Captain or me. Lieutenant Evan Merlin, also known as 'Talks With Turbolifts' or 'Clark Kent' or 'That Weirdo', Acting XO of Cold Station Theta." He gave her a courteous bow, straight out of a holodeck drama. "So if you like, we can square the paperwork away and get you settled right now, or you can go see if the Captain's in. Actually, right now, I have no idea if she's in her office or not. They complain about me being all over the station, but she can give me a run for my money, that is if we used any money. You could go to the casino and shake down one of the Ferengi there for some strips of latinum, if you want to- I'm babbling. Never mind that. Mouth has a tendency to run off when I'm not watching." He made a casual gesture with one hand, as if waving those stray thoughts away. "Anyway. Just let me know what you like." He began digging through a pile of PADDs on a nearby station and muttered an "Aha!" when he found one, and pulled it out of the pile. "Junior Lieutenant Alessia Jasaiax. Found you!"

Alessia smiled. She recognised the name. Some stories of him floated around on the academy. The one who talked with machinery all the time. “Doing the paper now would be fine Sir.”

Stars, the kid really was young if she tacked on a 'Sir' at the end of each sentence. Then again, she hadn't blinked at his waterfall of words, so that was a point in her favour. He wondered what Thelin would think about her. Aside from probably wanting to hug her that she'd signed on here, because he needed all the Engineers they could get. They needed them even before the extra holes had appeared. Now, even more so.

He made a few notitions on the PADD and handed it to Alessia. "Here you go. Quarter assignments and where you have to report to and to whom. Commander th'Zarath is a dedicated officer and a true engineer. Love the machinery and be good to it and he'll like you just fine. There's the mandatory physical, of course, there's a bit of a problem with the Chief Medical officer who isn't here but we're working on that-" Here the Lieutenant cast a look at a console which was currently unmanned but which could be used by someone, apparently, and frowned, and muttered something too soft to catch. "Anyway. Plenty of others who can clear you for duty, I don't suppose you caught any space flu en route from your last posting to here. Your quarters are on the PADD Your quarters are on the PADD and there's a map so you can find them. And if you have any questions later on… well, I'm either here or not, so if you need me, it's probably best to just use your communicator and call me. I'm generally around." He grinned again and ran a hand through his hair. "So, any questions so far?"

“No Sir, I think I understand. Thank you.” And then she stood there, waiting for the Lieutenant to dismiss her.

It took a moment for the coin to drop. "Alright, kid, off you go. Did I say that out loud? Sorry. I meant, dismissed."

Alessia nodded. “Thank you sir.” And with that, she disappeared into the turbolift, trying to find her way to the Habitat Ring. Or whatever it was called on CST.

Making a mental note to ask Thelin what he thought of his newest addition later, the Lieutenant picked up the next PADD of the unending amount of reports and reading work and started to read.

LtJg Alessia Jasaiax
Cold Station Theta


Lt. Evan 'Weirdo' Merlin
Cold Station Theta


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