JL | Lt Merlin & Comm. Ravnsson | "A Game Of Chess"
Posted on Thu Mar 22nd, 2018 @ 8:05pm by Commander Evan Merlin & Commodore Aksel Ravnsson
Location: Cold Station Theta, Promenade
Timeline: SD 241803.22
How quickly things can change. The Lieutenant who had played the Goblin King at the ball not long ago was now back to being fully Starfleet. His uniform was neat, even his hair was behaving itself, tightly bound in the nape of his neck. His face was, unusually, devoid of any smiles. Less than two days ago, a pleasant evening, people amusing themselves, going all out. A night which ended in a murder. Less than a day ago, two people vanished without a trace – one a staff member of the station itself, no less. The other, the niece of the Stenellis Empress. Privately, the Lieutenant was grateful it hadn't been him to bring her that news. Starfleet Intel was at a frenzy. Station Security, same. Flight Control was complaining: ships wanted to leave were dealing with enormous delays, with Starfleet claiming long and thorough 'health and safety inspections' for every ship which wanted to depart.
Nothing of this was in any way noticeable on the Promenade, the Lieutenant noted when he did his morning walk. Some civilians were muttering about the delays, true, but by and large it was business as usual. Here and there he picked out some familiar faces, CST crew or civilians living on the station: Makarth, the grizzled Klingon of the Heart of Targ restaurant; a stern-looking Vulcan in Science blue waiting patiently for the turbo lift to arrive, a yawning Ops Ensign whose shift had just finished and who now came here for a bite to eat and some downtime before turning in. Everything seemed calm, quiet, business as normal.
Yet even here, one thing felt off. The Lieutenant kept on walking, entered the Klingon restaurant to grab an order of raktajino. Markath saw him coming and nodded at him, pulling up the drink as he approached. "Morning, mister. Got ya drink all hot and ready for you, yes?"
The Lieutenant smiled, and if it seemed a little strained around the edges, the Klingon certainly didn't notice. "Excellent, thank you," he said, picking up the hot raktajino. His mind freewheeled, running a mental check in the background to find what exactly had felt off or out of place. Eventually he narrowed it down to a single face he'd seen a ways back, at one of the other eateries serving breakfast. A face he'd seen before, however briefly, at the ball. Something.
Something about that man.
It was amazing how easy it was to get off station news compiled into one neat PADD as an aid to his morning digestion. A half eaten cheese danish set upon a plate beside a piping cup of tea waiting for the grisliness of the El Aurian to modify itself just long enough to allow them entry. For the most part, Aksel's demeanor was light and chipper as he perused the information given to him. Not a single mention of Vokar, the kidnappings, not a single mention of anything being out of place. That was Starfleet, though. Always a show and a party with a little song and dance routine used to baffle the ignorant with a steady stream of bullshit. It had always amazed him, and now he was the one in charge of just such a dog and pony show.
In every way.
It didn't serve to unsettle him even a teensy bit when the storm cloud of a man wandered upon him. Det goblinen... his inner voice hissed to him, announcing the presence of the Goblin King he'd seen dancing so closely with her royal eminence, Empress of the Stenellian Ascendancy. So here was the new flavor, and hardly a trace of Romulan to be seen within him and those fathomless blue eyes. Aksel grunted softly, setting the PADD down and rolled his tongue in his mouth, savoring the flavor of the Standard language before subjecting his guest to it. "Is there something I can help you with?" The norseman asked with a birdlike tilt of his head.
"I don't know," the Lieutenant said, looking down at the other man. He smiled easily – identifying what had been bugging him had at least disspelled some of the unease he felt before – and leaned with both hands on the back of an empty chair. "Mind if I join you?"
"Not at all. Please," Aksel gestured to the seat the precocious goblin leaned against, "make yourself comfortable." Of course he would. Evan Merlin, or whatever his name really was, was notorious for being comfortable even in odd situations. He was a learner, highly attuned to life and everything in it. He should have been an intelligence agent, or so the cold eyed one thought as he waved his younger guest into his seat and reached for his tea. "What is it that I can do for you, son?" He asked, eyebrows lofting as he pulled a sip from the fine porcelain mug. "Your face has questions written all over it in a language I can't quite understand."
The Lieutenant smiled. He'd always had a feeling he was considerably older than his official file stated (but how much older? He had no idea, his memories only went back thirteen years). There were few people who could get away with calling him 'son', but this man might stand a chance.
He swept his leg over the back of the chair and sat down, setting the cup of raktajino on the table before him. A glass ball made an appearance and began its magic weave. He didn't do it to distract the man on the other side of the table, for he wouldn't be that easily distracted. Nor was there any need for him to practice, with the ball come and gone. Now it was just a pleasant habit, as habits went. "Does that bother you?" he asked, giving the man his full interest (it wasn't as if the ball needed it, any more). Nothing else would do. "Not understanding?"
The mouth worn by years of sun and what easily could have been called 'hard work' drew back to reveal a rather well kept set of pearly whites in a smile that broke over the majority of his face. Aksel's head canted hard to the right in a brief nod that accompanied to rise and fall of his brows, "Not at all," He replied, "if it did, do you really think I'd be all on my lonesome way out here?" As if to mark his point, a mobile merchant wandered past with hanging cages filled with what appeared to be screaming flowers. Lilies to be exact. He gestured to them with his tea cup, "With those? Make no mistake. Their beauty only masks the fact that they're completely venomous, but entirely delicious." The cup was placed back on its saucer and his eyes, as depthless as Merlin's made their way back to observe the hand trick being displayed with a mild sense of amusement settling in.
"A delightful contrast," the Lieutenant said, looking at the riot of colours and back at the weathered man. Oh, but he was an interesting one, this Commodore, a man of so many layers that he doubted few people, if any, had ever reached the bottom. Well, some might have. The hard way. A delightful contrast, yes, those words were an apt description of the man as well.
"Indeed." Aksel replied, toying with his danish before ultimately savoring a bite and holding the pastry for inspection, "A delightful contrast." savory and sweet, not unlike beautiful but dangerous. Caustic even. "They say the cherry and cheese are better, but I find it best to start with the basics and work ones way up. Muddy water is never attractive... Or is it?" He asked, once more reverting his attention to the goblin. Just what did the man know? What was his point? Cool as a cucumber, Aksel could play whatever role he'd been cast in for as long as he needed to. For now, the Empress's newest toy was of little concern to him. Or was he? His head tilted a small fraction, just enough to allow him to truly study him in return.
He certainly wasn't basic or bland, but he wasn't exactly a small marsupial that looked like a screaming lily either. Just where he fell would be determined by how important his presence became and only time would tell that. He was either a nothing; a simple affair of convenience that would be dropped as soon as the fire from the abductions faded and the albino went home... Or he was a something; a steady and healthy dose of something other than Romulan attention. Would she add to the royal line by allowing her svelte figure to swell and become cumbersome with his fruit or would she keep him at arm's length, using and discarding him to suit her needs? Aksel was a patient man and time would tell indeed.
"Certain types of fish certainly seem to think so," the Lieutenant said with a smile. The ball kept weaving its mesmerising dance over his hand, wrist, arm and back. "Though I doubt they would enjoy cherry and cheese. Is that what those pastries are, cherry and cheese?" He tilted his head slightly, studying the food still left on Aksel's plate.
Another wry smile played over the El Aurian's mouth, "I suppose it depends on the fish. Catfish, for instance, do seem to love murky water." He replied before sliding his plate towards Merlin, the twin to the danish in his hand sat untouched, its amaretto drizzle glistening in the light, "That one is, yes. Try it. They're quite decadent." A gesture with his empty hand proceeded to encourage him to partake.
"Catfish? Swimming cats?" The Lieutenant arched an eyebrow at the mental image. The ball vanished as he raised his hand. "Thank you for the offer," he said with a sincere smile. "It just reminded me that I actually haven't had breakfast yet. It is breakfast time, yes? I'm afraid I don't pay quite as much attention to stuff like that as I ought to." He looked up at the waitress who appeared, a slight and efficient figurine. "I'd like to order whatever my companion has," he said.
The waitress nodded briskly. "Of course, sir. One moment." She vanished inside, only to return shortly after with a similar plate and tea. "Here you are," she said, giving him a radiant smile.
"Thank you, dear," he answered and smiled at her in return. She blushed slightly, giggled and disappeared again. "My apologies for the interruption," the Lieutenant said once she was gone. "Where were we?"
"Catfish." Aksel's smooth voice resounded, "You were intrigued by catfish." And Aksel was intrigued, and damnably entertained, by the the fact the orphan named for a fictional wizard didn't trust him enough to take an untouched pastry from a plate. So this was how it was going to do. He shrugged and retrieved his morning morsel, all too happy to savor it for himself once his company was suitably set for a similar experience. "They're strange creatures, bottom dwellers, but taste exceptional when fried. Have you ever tried fried fish?" He asked, inconspicuous as ever, "Absolutely marvelous. Salty, savory, sometimes sweet. Pairs lovely with wine."
"I think so, yes, but that must've been awhile ago. Probably during my Academy days," the Lieutenant said. If he had known of the Commodore's assumptions, he would've laughed out loud. There had been no artifice in his ordering another plate – it really had served as a reminder that he hadn't eaten in quite some time and was hungry. "Maybe we can do that for our next date," he said with a radiant smile.
Weighing his options with a slight bobble of his upper half, Aksel finally nodded, "Provided we can find some, yes." He offered his ascent with a smile, "But," his arms opened wide in a grand gesture, "This is Cold Station Theta, if we want it, we can get it. I'm sure you've come to notice over time, no?" The Norseman grinned, leaning back comfortably in his cafe seat.
"It's sure a far cry from what it was thirteen years ago," the Lieutenant said with a nod. He picked one of the pastries and took a bite, smiled in appreciation. "Ooh, these are good. That's one of the things I like with meeting others. The chance to gain new experiences, see and hear and taste something you've never encountered before. Of course, sometimes it's a pleasant surprise, sometimes, on the other hand, you get the poisoned screamy thingies. But-" his eyes shone, "wouldn't it be boring if it only held pleasant surprises?"
A chuckle broiled deep within Aksel's chest and was accompanied with a smirk, "Of course." he nodded, "Life would be boring without the less than savory surprises. Where would we be if we only knew paradise and never hardship?" He asked, raising his tea to his companion's point.
"Interesting one," the Lieutenant leaned forward, hand on his chin. "Hmm… closest to those would be the Risians, wouldn't they? I guess you could ask them. Never visited Risa, actually, I really ought to do so some day. Maybe for my next LOA…." He gave a casual wave with his hand, as if dispelling that train of thought. "As for the rest of us, I think most would be bored stiff." He smiled again, a radiant smile which didn't hold anything back.
"As a board." Aksel highlighted with a collaborator's nod. A flash of silver caught the El Aurian's shrewd eye, casually drawing it in the direction of another man dressed in gray, his long black hair tied back in a pony at his nape. He seemed to be peacefully enjoying conversation with a buxom Trill, non-descriptive beyond all that, but the way he raised his hand to cup the woman's cheek and allowed a time piece on his wrist to catch the light said everything Aksel needed to know and more. "If you'll excuse me, I need to head back to my room. Seems I've forgotten my medication." His smile was was pleasant enough as he gathered himself to find footing.
"Oh! Far be it for me to keep you," the Lieutenant said. "Wouldn't want you to have to go to sickbay because you missed it, especially with the CMO missing…" He reached out and grabbed the other man's hand before he could react. "It was truly an amazing pleasure to meet you, Commodore," he said with that bright smile. "You are a marvelous man."
"Ah yes... Pity that is. Every record indicates that she's a bright young woman." Firmly shaking the strange one's hand, Aksel managed to offer a consoling smile. It wasn't unlike the smile a parent would give a child who'd lost and buried their first goldfish. Tender even. "If she is anywhere near as bright or astute as you, Lieutenant, she'll be fine. No doubt." With the release of his hand it was placed on Merlin's shoulder in a quick patting motion that was as much dismissive as it was showing of a greater connection than just two ships sailing past and sharing tea and danish. "Be well."
"And the same to you!" the Lieutenant said enthusiastically. "It has been a true pleasure meeting you." He remained seated while the other man departed, noted that not much later, the man in grey disappeared as well, arm in arm with the woman. He sipped his raktajino and finished his own breakfast, a faint smile lingering on his face.
Commodore Aksel Ravnsson
Director of Starfleet Intelligence
Lieutenant Evan Merlin
Chief Strategic Operations & Acting XO,
Cold Station Theta